Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Definition of Fire

What is Fire?
History of fire is about 470 million years ago. The ability to control the fire was a dramatic change in the habits of early human. Making fire to generate heat and light made it possible to cook foods increasing the variety and availability of nutrients. The heat produced would also help the people stay warm in cold weather enabling them to live in a comfortable way. Fire has become an essential part of human life. In most of our daily activities we need fire. Fire till it is under control has tremendous benefits but has fatal consequences when go beyond control. It has hazards leading to injury, disabilities, loss of assets and fatality depending upon situation and volume of the fire. So we need to take a serious notice of its consequences and need to behave responsibly while on work site as well as at home.

Definition of Fire

         Fire is a chemical reaction involving rapid oxidation or burning of fuel in which heat and light  evolve

How does fire starts
 A fire needs three elements to occur.
(a)  Combustible material
(b)   Oxygen
(C)  Heat in terms of flames

The Fire Triangle
Three things must be present to occur a fire

    Enough OXYGEN to sustain  combustion
    Enough HEAT to reach ignition temperature
    Some FUEL or combustible material
    Fuel can be combustible material – Solid, liquid or gas.
    Most solids and liquids become a vapor or gas before they will burn


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