If Someone Catches Alight:
- STOP – where you are
- DROP – to the floor
- ROLL – around on the floor.
This will smother the flames, possibly saving your life…
Fire Blankets
- If you choose to have a fire blanket, make sure that it conforms to British Standard 6575.
- As they are made of fire resistant material they are ideal in the kitchen to smother pan fires.
- They are also useful for wrapping around a person whose clothes are on fire.
Emergency Action Plan
- Describes actions that must be taken to ensure employee safety in emergencies
Emergency Action Plan enables employees
What actions to take in emergency situations.
- Covers reasonably expected emergencies, such as fires, explosions, toxic chemical releases, hurricanes, tornadoes and floods.
- Includes floor plans or maps which show
Emergency Escape Routes
- Emergency Action Plan states you must have a Fire Assembly Point posted
- All signs must contain a pictogram; text only signs are no longer acceptable
- Designate & Post Names of the Muster Wardens,
- You should have a secondary assembly point, if for any reason the primary point could not be used.
- Monthly Fire Drills should be scheduled to test the Emergency Action Plan
With address and the address and directions to your
- A dedicated place for Assembly area
must be notified to all
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